Nokia E71 - Maps shortcuts

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Maps shortcuts

General shortcuts

To zoom in or out on the map, press * or #.
To return to your current location, press 0.
To change the map type, press 1.

To tilt the map, press 2 or 8.
To rotate the map, press 4 or 6. To return the map back to

the north up position, press 5.

Pedestrian navigation shortcuts

To save a location, press 2.
To search for locations by categories, press 3.
To adjust the volume of the pedestrian navigation guidance,

press 6.
To view the list of route points, press 7.
To adjust the map for night-time usage, press 8.
To view the dashboard, press 9.

Car navigation shortcuts

To adjust the map for daytime or night-time usage, press 1.
To save the current location, press 2.
To search for locations by categories, press 3.
To repeat the voice guidance, press 4.
To find a different route, press 5.
To adjust the volume of voice guidance, press 6.
To add a stopover to the route, press 7.
To view traffic information, press 8.
To view the dashboard, press 9.

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